A scholarly response on what the Hebrew and Aramaic Bible says concerning LGBTI people.
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“…, then if they [the rulers (commanders) & judges] are acting foolishly [ܡܲܣܟܿܠܝ̣ܢ: offending], be ye reproving (showing to be wrong, convincing, rebuking) them justly, … & these shall be corrected (reformed, amended) that they should not again be being guided by the will of their souls.” (Addai 45:24-46:3 [78]). The Aramaic word masc-lin also means: "going astray, causing to fall; being offensive, injuring, doing wrong" or "sinning" (Roger Pearse Translation). Since we are in the computer or digital age, you can also do this easily by saving your rebukes and then copy and paste them to individuals, the President or members of Congress. You just may need to edit the message a little for each person or situation.
“Preach the message! And stand with diligence in the [right] time and when [it’s] not the [right] time. Reprove and rebuke with all patience (long-suffering) and teaching.” (2 Tim. 4:2 P’shitta). Compare (Lev. 19:17; 2 Chron. 19:10). This is the same Aramaic word but in the imperative as: a-cis, which means: “Reprove (Correct, Show to be wrong, Convince). Also, sometimes God uses us even though (1 Chron. 16:21) technically says: “He didn’t put (leave) any man to oppress (wrong, defraud, extort) them; & He rebuked (ויוכח: reproved) kings for their sakes,” SILENCE = DEATH:
“…, then if they [the rulers (commanders) & judges] are acting foolishly [ܡܲܣܟܿܠܝ̣ܢ: offending], be ye reproving (showing to be wrong, convincing, rebuking) them justly, … & these shall be corrected (reformed, amended) that they should not again be being guided by the will of their souls.” (Addai 45:24-46:3 [78]). The Aramaic word masc-lin also means: "going astray, causing to fall; being offensive, injuring, doing wrong" or "sinning" (Roger Pearse Translation). Since we are in the computer or digital age, you can also do this easily by saving your rebukes and then copy and paste them to individuals, the President or members of Congress. You just may need to edit the message a little for each person or situation.
“Preach the message! And stand with diligence in the [right] time and when [it’s] not the [right] time. Reprove and rebuke with all patience (long-suffering) and teaching.” (2 Tim. 4:2 P’shitta). Compare (Lev. 19:17; 2 Chron. 19:10). This is the same Aramaic word but in the imperative as: a-cis, which means: “Reprove (Correct, Show to be wrong, Convince). Also, sometimes God uses us even though (1 Chron. 16:21) technically says: “He didn’t put (leave) any man to oppress (wrong, defraud, extort) them; & He rebuked (ויוכח: reproved) kings for their sakes,” SILENCE = DEATH:
The Pink, Upside Down Triangle was used in Nazi Germany during World War II to indicate the reason a person was imprisoned. It indicated homosexual men, bisexual men and transgender women.
Prisoners wearing pink triangles on their uniforms are marched outdoors by Nazi guards at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in Germany on Dec. 19, 1938. CORBIS/Corbis—Getty Images
Is the Bible Against Homosexuality? by Preacher Mattai © (Ɔ) 2016. All rights reserved.
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